Tag Archives: Gamescom

Garrus saves the day in Mass Effect 3 combat trailer

Commander Shepard may be a natural leader, but in combat he’s easily matched by the skills of his squadmates. With Liara’s bone-crushing biotics and Garrus’spanty-dropping sniper action, the crew of the Normandy can handle whatever threat the galaxy throws at them.In this Mass Effect 3 combat trailer from Gamescom,BioWare highlights …

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GamesCom Asuras Wrath trailer is angry… in space!

Along with a new set of screenshots (opens in new tab), Asura’s Wrath has a fresh trailer for GamesCom 2011. It starts out slow, as Asura and his former master take some time off from their deity duties to enjoy a dip in a hot springs. But don’t be fooled …

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New Soulcalibur V trailer barely acts its age

Project Soul claims Soulcalbur V takes place 17 game years after thelast installation, yet judging by the new gameplay trailer from Gamescom, and the ageless condition of Ivy’s most defining – uh – ‘assets’, we’re inclined to believe it’s closer to 17 minutes. Nitpicky timeline issues aside, this minute-and-a-half clip …

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