TalkRadar 144 – Out to launch



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Short of setting them on fire or something…

Pilotwings Resort review (opens in new tab)
Bite-sized aviation suitable for buses and couches alike

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Surprisingly shallow

QOTW:Got a console launch story? (opens in new tab)
Ever waited in a mile-long line for hours, or braved the cold for an eternity just to be the first to go home and unbox something you’ll be too tired to play? So have we! Every good gamer should have an anecdote relating to the launch of a brand new console. So in honor of the 3DS hitting retailers this week, we wanna hear yours. Let us know in in the forums, and we might read your answer LIVE on TalkRadar 145!

Want to listen to TalkRadar on your mobile device? We reccomend Stitcher (it’s way better than iTunes!)

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In the

Above: Brett snapped a creepy shot of several GR editors at Chris’ birthday party

Above: Who the fuck sent Brett a box of Crap-gic: The Blathering cards?!

Above: Future’s free table has seen better days

Above: Are Lizzie and Matt gearing up for The Glowing Stars World Tour?!

In the

Above: Padrino brings back an old friend

Above: schnazzyone gridlocks Chris and Lizzie together in a bio-digital jazzy embrace

Above: Sir Jason Statham is the only thing that could make us want Portal 2 more. Thanks batman5273

Above: 510BrotherPanda combines a lot of love into a single hand drawn image

Above: TDUBBS brings the hellfire

Above: Bionic Commando SPOILER: Furniture Edition! Thanks graboids

Above: cj12297 Maddens the TDar Men (and Lizzie)

Above: Another one from TDUBBS

Above: And would you look at that?! Shnazzyone put together our first piece of FAN Fan Art!

Post date:March 25, 2011
T-Dar144 length: 2:33:21
Intro song by: Anamanaguchi
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