Tag Archives: Role Playing

Secret World: Funcom launches beta-registration ARG

Wake-up call, citizen. The world you live in is a shallow simulacrum of the real one, with secret societies and back-room backstabbers controlling how you live, work and think. And now you’ve got the chance to play a videogame about them! Funcom’s action-MMORPG, The Secret World, is gearing up for …

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Garrus saves the day in Mass Effect 3 combat trailer

Commander Shepard may be a natural leader, but in combat he’s easily matched by the skills of his squadmates. With Liara’s bone-crushing biotics and Garrus’spanty-dropping sniper action, the crew of the Normandy can handle whatever threat the galaxy throws at them.In this Mass Effect 3 combat trailer from Gamescom,BioWare highlights …

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Minecraft studio ambushed by Bethesdas lawyers over Scrolls

Minecraft creator Markus ‘Notch’ Persson is facing legal action from Bethesda over his Mojang Studios’s use of the title ‘Scrolls’ for its next game. Earlier today, the indie studio co-founderannounced on Twitter that (opens in new tab)he received a legalese manifesto from Bethesda’s lawyers claiming that the title of Mojang’s …

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Final Fantasy XIII-2: Shut up and look at these amazing screenshots

Merriam-Webster defines a ‘paradigm’ as an outstandingly clear or typical example or archetype. A ‘paradigm shift’ refers to a change in assumptions as detailed in American physicist and philosopher Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. But c’mon! You know what a paradigm shift really is. It’s what you do …

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Mass Effect movie comes to Comic-Con

Legendary Pictures, the film production company that brought us titles like The Dark Knight and Inception, announced their plans to reveal information for their Mass Effect movie at Comic-Con in San Diego this year. The panel, slated for July 22nd, will feature BioWare’s Casey Hudson, project manager for Mass Effect …

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Outdated game design we can’t stand

In an industry where technology marches relentlessly forward, developers that don’t adapt get left behind. A delicious new bit of tech comes along (like Rockstar’s Euphoria physics) and immediately makes the old way (like bodies that tumble as Tetris blocks) look positively antiquated. We admit, we’re spoiled, but who wants …

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