Tag Archives: Racing

MotorStorm RC is free on PS Vita for a limited time

Sony’s releasing Motorstorm RC tomorrow for PS3 and PlayStation Vita, and fans of the latter platform can look forward to a free download thanks to a limited-time partnership between Sony and Scion. That’s not some limited-time trial, nor any sort of hinky deal where the car’s free but the steering …

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The games of December 2011

December may offer the true climax of the holiday season, but in terms of new game releases, it’s very much the calm after the storm. Most of the giant blockbusters of the season made their way out between September and November, but the final month of 2011 isn’t barren by …

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Trials developer RedLynx bought up by Ubisoft

Ubisoft has acquired Helsinki-based studio RedLynx, best known for its XBLA motorcycle-physics bestseller Trials HD, the publisher announced this week. Praising the studio’s “exceptionally strong digital brands… most notably Trials,” Ubi head Yves Guillemot said RedLynx’s addition to Ubisoft’s roster of subsidiaries would allow the company to bring brands such …

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Mario Kart 3D hands-on preview

At first glance, Mario Kart 3D seems like “Requisite Sequel #247,” with much of the same content we’ve seen in prior games. The usual racers are present, the items are holdovers from past titles and the music is the same indistinguishable bounciness that’s taken over the series since Double Dash!! …

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Outdated game design we can’t stand

In an industry where technology marches relentlessly forward, developers that don’t adapt get left behind. A delicious new bit of tech comes along (like Rockstar’s Euphoria physics) and immediately makes the old way (like bodies that tumble as Tetris blocks) look positively antiquated. We admit, we’re spoiled, but who wants …

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