Sony’s releasing Motorstorm RC tomorrow for PS3 and PlayStation Vita, and fans of the latter platform can look forward to a free download thanks to a limited-time partnership between Sony and Scion. That’s not some limited-time trial, nor any sort of hinky deal where the car’s free but the steering wheel costs $9.99 – it’s just a free game for you to play, and a free car for you to drive (within the game, obviously, because come on).
Here’s the title screen for the game’s Vita iteration (which, you’ll recall, does most all the things the PS3 version does, but portable-styles) – displaying the free, Vita-exclusive RC Scion iQ. As well as the free Vita version and cross-platform demo, the PS3 game will be available tomorrow afternoon from the PlayStation Store for $9.99 or $7.49 if you’re on PlayStation Plus. The Vita version’s $0 price is a limited-time detail, so if you’re keen, best race onto PSN tomorrow with the speed (and fuel-efficient comfort!) of a brand-new Scion vehicle.