Tag Archives: Portal 2

BAFTA posts Audience Award nominees

The shortlist of nominees for the British Academy Video Games Awards’ (BAFTA) GAME Audience Award is out, and it looks like this year is going to be a fanboy bloodbath. Ten nominees have been shortlisted for the people’s choice honor. They include Batman: Arkham City, Battlefield 3, Call of Duty: …

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TalkRadar 154 – The Big Sleep

Your Hosts The Topics L.A. Noire film reels and landmarks guide (opens in new tab) 50 film noir classics and 30 old-Hollywood sights are yours for the taking. Here’s where to find them (opens in new tab) Netflix streaming sucks up more downstream traffic than any other source, according to …

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TalkRadar UK Episode 89

Podcast! Podcast! Podcast! Apologies for the over-excitement but this coffee has us bouncingaround the office like safari park chimps on top of a Ford Mondeo. Ooh, ooh, AHH AHH AHH! See, we even sound like apes. Bloody hell, where were we going with this? Oh yeah, podcast. Welcome to a …

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