TalkRadar 154 – The Big Sleep



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QOTW:What are your post-Rapture plans (opens in new tab)?
We all know the end of the world is Saturday the 21st (it’s been proven by math!). What are your plans for after the Rapture? Catch up on reading? Barricading your doors? Hysterical blindness? Knitting? Let us know, and if for some reason that prediction is wrong, we’ll read your responses on TDar 156!

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In the

Above: Chris had a little too much fun last Sunday

Above: Brett’s Destroyer Slurpee cup must be handled with care

Above: Lizzie ruins Chris’ lovely Facebook picture

Above: Chris and Tyler are in deep thought during this candid pic

In the

Above: This drawing by TDUBBS is based on a true story

Above: A double shot of poiman

Above: Bobbety conjures a strange future

Above: Batman5273 continues his streak of brilliance

Post date: May 20, 2011
T-Dar154 length: 1:43:25
Intro song by: Anamanaguchi
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