Tag Archives: Konami

Konami announces dual patches for new Silent Hills

Konami has said (opens in new tab) it’s preparing patches for both recent Silent Hill releases. It might be tempting to mount a case for the notion that janky framerates, Downpour’s inconsistent game-saving and the HD Collection’s freaky lip-sync issues just make the games creepier and more unnerving, but the …

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Kojimas Project Ogre will be less cinematic, much more open-ended

Hideo Kojima has said his next (possibly) non-Metal Gear game, codenamed “Project Ogre,” will be an open-world title with an emphasis on exploration and discovery. “Rather than making something very cinematic,” the director explained to CNN, his aim is to “make something very free.” Above: Fans wonder if this image …

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Heavy layoffs at F.E.A.R. 3s Day 1 Studios

F.E.A.R. 3 developer Day 1 Studios has announced the dismissal of a significant number of staff following a break with Konami. Sources say the studio, which was working on a reboot of Konami’s Silent Scope franchise, was forced to dismiss 95% of that game’s development team from its permanent staff …

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