Tag Archives: Fallout: New Vegas

The Science of Fallout, part 2

A couple weeks ago, we took our first steps into the charred remains of North America to try to investigate how much – if any – of Fallout’s world we can look forward to (or dread) in the future. In fact, it was really more dread than hope. Portable nukes …

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Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition trailer is DLC heavy

If you’ve yet to enjoy any of the DLC for Fallout: New Vegas, then perhaps this trailer will entice you into picking up the Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition. If, however, you’ve already done all there is to do in Bethesda’s post-apocalyptic world, then we guess you could still enjoy …

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Bethesda details Fallout: New Vegas Gun Runners Arsenal DLC

Outmanned on the Lonesome Road? Undergunned in Old World Blues? Bethesda is one day away from delivering a ton of extra firepower to Fallout: New Vegas care of the Gun Runners’ Arsenal DLC, and it’s spent the last few days detailing the many new weapons, mods, and perks heading for …

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Outdated game design we can’t stand

In an industry where technology marches relentlessly forward, developers that don’t adapt get left behind. A delicious new bit of tech comes along (like Rockstar’s Euphoria physics) and immediately makes the old way (like bodies that tumble as Tetris blocks) look positively antiquated. We admit, we’re spoiled, but who wants …

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