Sci-Fi & Fantasys 14 Greatest Romances

6 Jack & Ianto

From: Torchwood

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Ianto: “A thousand years’ time, you won’t remember me.”

Jack: “Yes, I will. I promise I will.”

The relationship that broke a thousand hearts when it ended in double death mostly happened off screen rather than on it; Jack’s love affair with his trusty Torchwood pal was hinted at in subtle ways until one casual mention of stopwatch made it official. Even after that, though, it wasn’t given much attention, allowing fans of the two loved-up agents to imagine all the stuff going on behind the scenes – and with Jack, that meant it was pretty damn imaginative indeed.

However, just as their relationship finally hit front and centre in Children Of Earth , along came a nasty gas that felled both men – with only one of them set to return to mourn for a considerably long time. If your chin didn’t wobble even a little bit when Ianto told Jack he loved him, you’re as heartless as the 456.

5 Joan Redfern & John Smith

From: Doctor Who

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John Smith: “I’m John Smith, that’s all I want to be. John Smith. With

his life… and his job… and his love. Why can’t I be John Smith? Isn’t

he a good man? Why can’t I stay?”

For the first 26 years of Doctor Who , the errant Time Lord had one brief romantic fling, and all that amounted to was the first Doctor fairly innocently flirting with an old dear in “The Aztecs”. But since the show came back in 2005, the Doctor’s has been affected by a major reversal in the polarity of his hormonal flow. His relationship with Rose always seemed far more than just the usual Doctor/assistant shtick and he downright had the hots for Madame de Pompadour. But the sweetest, most heartbreaking relationship of all was with an English nurse called Joan. Admittedly he wasn’t himself at the time; hell, he wasn’t even a Time Lord and had forgotten all about his past life. Living as teacher in a private school he fell in love, but it was a love that was doomed as soon as his past caught up with him. He was given a glimpse of an alternate future where he grew old with one true love in simple bliss, but saving-the-universe duties came first. Without a doubt, it was Doctor Who at its tear-jerking best.


From: WALL-E

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(*They’re not much with the dialoguing, these two…)

Poor WALL-E, abandoned on a desolate, ruined world for year after year with nothing and nobody to keep him company aside from a lone, mute cockroach. It’s no wonder he took one look at EVE’s shiny, slick curves and fell madly in love with her – well, as madly in love as a robot can fall, anyway…

Conducted with the bare minimum of conversation and all the artistry and movement of a silent movie star such as Charlie Chaplin, the heartwarming romance between WALL-E and EVE is as affecting as anything you’ll see in cartoon form (well, until the first ten minutes of Up! , at least, a relationship we would have featured here if only it had lasted a little longer). WALL-E and EVE may be emotionless machines but somehow they convey more emotion than many human actors we can think of. Most of all, they’re cute . Aww.

3 Tara & Willow

From: Buffy The Vampire Slayer

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Tara: “I am, you know.”

Willow: “What?”

Tara: “Yours.”

The sweet, natural way Willow and Tara’s relationship developed across the course of Buffy ’s fourth season was a big part of its charm. Slow-building and soft, it just happened ; Willow found a fellow witch, a friend and a girlfriend almost without noticing. Sure, they had a few hiccups (Willow’s werewolf ex-boyfriend almost eating Tara was a bit of a downer), but eventually they settled into what was probably the most functional relationship the show ever managed – Willow’s unfortunate magical dabblings and one God-induced brain-wipe aside. And Tara’s love song to Willow in “Once More, With Feeling” is simultaneously both sweet and very sexy: “Lost in ecstasy, spread beneath my Willow tree,” indeed. (It helped that Amber Benson has a hell of a set of pipes.)

Sadly, as you all know, Willow and Tara weren’t destined to live happily ever after, with poor Tara dying in Willow’s arms after an unlucky shooting incident. Thanks to this we were gifted with Evil Willow (yay!) but Tara’s presence was missed long after Amber Benson left the series, and not merely by Willow.

2 Amy & Rory

From: Doctor Who

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Rory: “I waited. 2,000 years, I waited for you.”

The quote sums it up, really: the love between Amy and Rory is so epic it’s lasted for millennia. And yet, at the same time, it’s also beautifully silly, confusing, charming, frustrating, tense, frantic and goofy. Just like a real relationship, then…

What makes Amy and Rory work is the undeniable chemistry between Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill, who seem perfectly at ease with each other in every scene. While you believe Amy is fond of the Doctor, her body language is all about Rory, just as his is all about her. They’re not just husband and wife, they’re best mates .

And isn’t that what all relationships should be?

1 Aeryn & Crichton

From: Farscape

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John: “There is no home. There is no wormhole. There’s only you.

Aeryn, anywhere in the universe. You pick the planet.”

It’s hard to figure out who wears the trousers in this particular relationship, so we’ll settle with “both of them”. Despite being different species, it was clear almost from the start that John and Aeryn were made for each other – one glance at their taste for (a) leather outfits and (b) Very Big Guns was enough to give that away.

Their often prickly love affair was just as weird as Farscape itself, surviving everything from multiple John clones (the death of “her” John leaving Aeryn distraught and “our” John baffled as to how to steal her heart away from… well, himself) to eventual parenthood during a deadly battle. Rarely soppy, this was a relationship built on blowing things up together and enjoying every bang – surely the best kind there is.

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