Namco Bandai, the publisher behind the highly anticipated Studio Ghibli/Level-5 collaboration Ni No Kuni, has announced a unique new initiative that will allow gamers to enhance the special edition of the game simply by pre-ordering.
Your pre-order alone wont do anything, but as more and more people place a pre-order for the title through Namco’s site (opens in new tab), the special edition will get more and more stuff crammed into it. They’re calling it a sort of crowdsourcing called the “Ninostarter.” You can watch the progress of the Ninostarter on a special site (opens in new tab) Namco has set up. They’re currently about half way to goal #1.
The Ninostarter will officially end on August 31, so if you’re planning to pre-order you might want to do it soonish. Ni No Kuni is slated for launch early next year on January 22, 2012. The special edition (aka the Wizard’s Edition) is what you’ll need to pre-order for it to count toward the goal. That will cost you a fairly hefty $99.99, and it comes with the following things (so far) in the image below.