Howard Sterns Super 8 screener pirated online

A bootlegged copy of the J.J. Abrams film Super 8 that has shown up on illegal download sites was copied from a disc created for radio shock jock Howard Stern.

The pirated copy of the film was stamped in the right-hand corner with a watermark that says “H Stern” but the Sirius XM DJ says he and his co-workers have already been cleared of any wrongdoing.

Paramount Pictures contacted show producer Gary Dell’Abate weeks ago but Stern says the disc must have been copied before it reached him.

“I watch it at home. It doesn’t leave my hands,” Stern said this morning on his radio show.

“Nobody gets it. Nobody can see. I bring it right back…I don’t pass it around to anyone. Ever…It had nothing to do with me.”

“Howard is talking about the Super 8 screener controversy. He’s embarrassed that this makes him look bad,” his show’s official Twitter feed added earlier today.

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