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Creepy children, horrifying hosts and confused celebrities battle for the biggest faceplant of E3 2011
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Was it worth the wait?
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A big improvement that finally does sandbox superheroics right
QOTW:What was your favorite moment of E3? (opens in new tab)
Any games catch your eye, or did the new systems have you freaking out in front of your computer? Pinpoint your favorite moment from 2011’s E3 and let us know in the forums. We might just read your response on next Friday’s TalkRadar!
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In the
Above: These will look slightly less sad once they’re unpacked at Hank’s new desk
Above: This chaos is why there was no Tuesday cast this week
Above: A feral cat attacked Brett (not really)
Above: And Chris found a brand new way to have fun
In the
Above: Batman 5273 really went above and beyond this week. Thank you, sir
Above: Grabboids made Mr. Caffeine 99% better
Above: 510BrotherPanda has been watching our Zelda FAPs obviously
Above: And TDubbs sums up E3 for GR
Post date: June 17, 2011
T-Dar156 length: 1:47:51
Intro song by: Anamanaguchi
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