Tag Archives: Shadows of the Damned

Be careful what you ban for, Microsoft

I’ll say “dick.” I may use silly stand-ins for other profane expletives–shiz, freak, arse, snitch, and whatnot (that last one, sadly, isn’t a curse). But if someone’s being an out-and-out jerk, or I want to refer to my penis colloquially, I’d readily drop the D word. I just better make …

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TalkRadar UK Episode 88

Greetings men, women and intelligent cats who have learned to read but are keeping quiet until the right moment for an uprising presents itself – welcome to another episode ofTalkRadar UK. Episode 88 sees the return ofgallivanter-in-chief, Justin whoreturns from his holidays packingtheusual flat jokes that he’s become famed for. …

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