Tag Archives: Role Playing

Serious Sam: The Random Encounter review

How much time and money are you willing to lose in order for a game to sell your own nostalgia back to you? If your answer was anywhere above an hour and five dollars, then you’re in luck! Serious Sam: The Random Encounter will cost you exactly that. Even so, …

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A tribute to Ghost-type Pokemon

The Pokemon series is surprisingly full of creepy stuff, from itsmorbid Pokemon designsto its eerily discordantLavender Town theme. Pokemon’s disturbing side is well-represented by its Ghost-types, with dolls possessed by pure hatred, ghosts posing as balloons to drag children to the underworld, and plenty of Pokemon that will steal your …

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Bethesda speedrunner beats Skyrim in 2 hours

It turns out Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim can be completed in little over two hours; that is, provided you play video games for a living and have an insider’s knowledge of every last short-cut and secret. As per its wrap-up tradition, Bethesda recently pit a rep from its quality assurance …

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Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland review

Oh, Totori, you’re too cute for words. You’ve got a heart of gold and we can’t help but root for you. You capture the essentials that make a JRPG tick perfectly – tons of exploration, quirky party banter intermingled with deep characterization, and you pull us in with your addictive …

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Felicia Day is about to get all up in Dragon Age II

If you don’t recognize this charming lady from The Guild and Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, then you have horrible taste and should rectify the situation immediately. If you are familiar with Felicia Day, then you’re no doubt aware that she knows her business when it comes to games. As a …

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Bethesda details Fallout: New Vegas Gun Runners Arsenal DLC

Outmanned on the Lonesome Road? Undergunned in Old World Blues? Bethesda is one day away from delivering a ton of extra firepower to Fallout: New Vegas care of the Gun Runners’ Arsenal DLC, and it’s spent the last few days detailing the many new weapons, mods, and perks heading for …

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