Tag Archives: Mac

Whats a game you wish more developers ripped off?

Game design is an iterative process, which is to say everyone rips everyone off. Don’t believe us? Play a shooter after 2007 that didn’t have Gears of War’s cover system and Call of Duty’s leveling. Other times, developers seemingly ignore amazing ideas. Like Shadow of the Colossus–the fact that more …

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Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter adds two more levels and bosses

MegaMan spiritual successor Mighty No. 9 has blown past its initial funding goal and first stretch goal, raising $1.3 million since it was revealed on Saturday. Creator Keiji Inafune expresses his appreciation for the fans in this new video update released to backers. With the first stretch goal of $1.2 …

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RadioRadar podcast 051: The Bumbling Indie Stumble

This week we discuss humble origins, indie crossovers, and wrasslin! Oh, and video games. Lots and lots of video games. Hosts: Hollander Cooper, Lorenzo Veloria, Ryan Taljonick, Henry Gilbert, Lucas Sullivan, Andy Hartup, Tom MagrinoQuestion of the week: What developer would you like a humble bundle from? Enter (and shoehorn …

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Gamings 19 most impractical hairstyles: A stylist weighs in

Hair today, gone tomorrow Suspension of disbelief is something that’s simply inherent to playing video games. It’s a digital fantasy, so just roll with it, people! When it comes to character creation, artists have free reign, knowing that silly things like physics and gravity have no bearing on in-game costumes …

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Neil Gaiman teams with P.B. Winterbottom devs for Wayward Manor

Neil Gaiman is making a video game about a ghost–what else? The author of The Sandman comics, Coraline, and American Gods has teamed up with The Odd Gentlemen, developers of The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom, to create Wayward Manor. Neil himself gives you the pitch for the screaming twenties story …

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RadioRadar podcast 047: Speeding down memory lane

We have a long episode this week for two reasons. We spent a really long time going over the Top 7 and getting super nostalgic for gaming’s awesome past, and we included a lengthy interview with David Jaffe. Both are worth listening to, especially if you have fond memories of …

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RadioRadar podcast 043: Xbox One-Eighty

This was a crazy week. While Nintendo and Sony hid in their bunkers, Microsoft dropped a bomb regarding the Xbox One. If you haven’t heard about it yet, then you’re in for a suprise! If you have, well, then listen to us talk about it anyway. Hosts: Hollander Cooper, Henry …

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11 random objects that look like gaming executives

Objects of desire Every year, the most powerful men and women in the games industry put themselves in the spotlight at E3 and other press events. So, naturally, our first thought was to make fun of them. It’s all good-natured, of course. We found a bunch of random objects that …

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SimCity Mac release delayed to August

(opens in new tab) EA has delayed the release of the Mac version of SimCity from its previously planned June 11 launch to an unspecified date in August. In a post on the game’s website, senior producer Kip Katsarelis said: “We have made this tough decision because we do not …

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