Tag Archives: Fun Stuff


SFX ‘s sister magazine Science Uncovered looks at “exomoons” as a possible place we should be looking for extraterrestrial life “We were looking for exoplanets using a technique called microlensing,” says Professor Daniel Bennett, an astronomer at the University of Notre Dame in the US. But using the technique, Bennett …

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Calling Star Wars fans!

Documentary film Binding The Galaxy Together wants to meet fans on a mission… Here at SFX we’ve been contacted by the makers of Binding The Galaxy Together , a fan film that over the last two years has travelled around gathering interviews from Star Wars enthusiasts. They’ve interviewed costumers, collectors, …

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14 Unlikely SF & Fantasy Crossdressers

1 David Duchovny Twin Peaks (opens in new tab) Agent Denis Bryson (a pre- X-Files David Duchovny, making a BIG impression) arrives in Twin Peaks to assist colleague Agent Cooper in a drugs investigation. Much to everybody’s surprise, “Denis” is now “Denise”, after time spent undercover wearing women’s clothing resulted …

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Tweets Of The Week

*Spoiler-filled* Red Wedding reactions, Nathan Fillion’s beef with Man Of Steel and what did Damon Lindelof write for World War Z ? All in the latest Tweets Of The Week (opens in new tab) SPOILER WARNING: seriously, if you haven’t seen episode 9 of Game Of Thrones ’ third season …

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Tweets Of The Week

Fred’s Twitpics from the past, Hayley Atwell’s Lara Croft campaign and Madame de Pompadour meets Amy Pond in the latest Tweets Of The Week (opens in new tab) (opens in new tab) There was a time when behind the scenes snippets were confined to convention panels and the odd making …

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The Name Of The Doctor

Hardly a day seems to go by at the moment without some big Doctor Who news, and today was no exception, when BBC revealed the title of the last episode of this series as “The Name Of The Doctor”. But how much fans care about his name? Do the wider …

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A To Z Of Evil Dead

S i s for Sam Raimi The man behind it all, Sam Raimi wrote and directed the original film, followed with two more films to create a trilogy and has bought the story up to date with a remake, Evil Dead . Sam was also given the power and responsibility …

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Tweets Of The Week

Which sci-fi show will get a Kickstart next? Sherlock drops by The World’s End edit and Eliza Dushku (sorta) kisses a zombie, all in the latest Tweets of the Week (opens in new tab) (opens in new tab) “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5 …

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