Tag Archives: Features

Neil Gaiman: All-New Neverwhere Interview

(opens in new tab) Here Neil Gaiman talks about his delight at how this new version turned out, and how it secured such an A-list cast. What do you enjoy about audio as a format? “I think what I like best about audio as a format is it allows you …

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It’s been a while, but the SFX Blastermind picture quiz has returned. Okay, it’s not the best timing with the forum and comments still down, but we couldn’t wait any longer, especially with The Lone Ranger being released in the UK, inspiring us to seek out some sci-fi westerns to …

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14 Unlikely SF & Fantasy Crossdressers

1 David Duchovny Twin Peaks (opens in new tab) Agent Denis Bryson (a pre- X-Files David Duchovny, making a BIG impression) arrives in Twin Peaks to assist colleague Agent Cooper in a drugs investigation. Much to everybody’s surprise, “Denis” is now “Denise”, after time spent undercover wearing women’s clothing resulted …

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Pax Britannia Author Jonathan Green On The Books That Made Me

(opens in new tab) Jonathan Green will be a familiar name to SFX readers. He’s a perennial Black Library scribe, having most recently penned Shadows Over Sylvania for the publisher. Outside of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, Green is the creator of the steampunk Pax Britannia series and writer of several …

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11 random objects that look like gaming executives

Objects of desire Every year, the most powerful men and women in the games industry put themselves in the spotlight at E3 and other press events. So, naturally, our first thought was to make fun of them. It’s all good-natured, of course. We found a bunch of random objects that …

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Tweets Of The Week

*Spoiler-filled* Red Wedding reactions, Nathan Fillion’s beef with Man Of Steel and what did Damon Lindelof write for World War Z ? All in the latest Tweets Of The Week (opens in new tab) SPOILER WARNING: seriously, if you haven’t seen episode 9 of Game Of Thrones ’ third season …

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Much Ado About Nothing: Joss Whedon Video Interview

The Avengers director Joss Whedon describes how he and few – very familiar – mates gave Shakespeare a modern makeover: Much Ado About Nothing . Much Ado About Nothing opens in the UK on 14 June. [VAMS] • What If Shakespeare Had Written For Buffy The Vampire Slayer ? • …

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Raymond E Feist Interview

Raymond E Feist talks to Stephen Jewell about finishing off The Riftwar Cycle after 30 years with his new book Magician’s End (opens in new tab) , which went on sale this week. “The tone of the series has changed for two reasons, first the topics grow darker and secondly, …

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