Tag Archives: Category: Feature

L.A. Noire: Reefer Madness DLC review

The downloadable cases released so far for L.A. Noire have all been short, but they’ve nonetheless taken us to some interesting places. Nicholson Electroplating gave us the destruction of a small chunk of Los Angeles, and culminated in a huge shootout in the Spruce Goose’s hangar. The Naked City and …

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Kirby Wii hands-on preview

As we’ve seen with Canvas Curse, Mass Attack andEpic Yarn, Kirby excels at trying new things. But what about the classic Kirby gameplay the series is most well-known for? What if sometimes all we want to do is inhale a bunch of enemies, absorb their powers, and float around like …

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Kirby Mass Attack hands-on preview

Earlier today we got our first chance since the chaos of E3 to actually sit down and play Kirby Mass Attack in a quiet room at Nintendo’s offices. If you haven’t yet made the plunge and invested in a 3DS, you’ll be pleased to hear that Mass Attack comes out …

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Outdated game design we can’t stand

In an industry where technology marches relentlessly forward, developers that don’t adapt get left behind. A delicious new bit of tech comes along (like Rockstar’s Euphoria physics) and immediately makes the old way (like bodies that tumble as Tetris blocks) look positively antiquated. We admit, we’re spoiled, but who wants …

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New issue delight, a trip to 2000 AD and how to get your Captain America pop up frisbee back in its pouch in this week’s peek into the SFX office

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A brief tour through the Videogame History Museum

From our booth at E3, I could see dozens of old tube TVs and what appeared to be aging game consoles.Upon closer inspection, said pile of ancient technology turned out to be part of theVideogame History Museum. This vast collection of trinkets both popular and obscure is a labor of …

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30 Greatest Hand Drawn Movie Posters

Super 8 (2011) The Poster: A wonderfully retro teaser poster for Spielberg and Abrams’ upcoming mystery movie. Marvellous stuff. Why So Great? It harks back to other classic Spielberg posters, notably those created by legendary artist Drew Struzan (more on him later). Managing to pack all the excitement and spookiness …

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E3 2011: The last Kinect preview you’ll ever need

I may look like the happy idiot in this video, but I was very much crying on the inside. Here’s what the video doesn’t tell you: This is the last Kinect demo I’ll ever take professionally. No, it’s not just because I’m an out of shape smoker prone to sweaty …

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