Tag Archives: Category: Feature

Age of Empires Online pre-review report

We came, we saw, we conquered. And then we needlessly slaughtered our remaining foes while the game’s disturbingly cheerful victory music played in the background. Yes, we’ve been plotting and planning our way through Age of Empires Online, but we’re waiting to do a live test before we sign off …

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Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection hands-on preview

Upscaling last-generation’s best games is a trend we can get behind, especially if they’re all handled with the love and care that went into the God of War and Sly Cooper HD collections. Sony’s latest expedition into the past has brought back Team Ico’s critically acclaimed PlayStation 2 games: Shadow …

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Mario Kart 3D hands-on preview

At first glance, Mario Kart 3D seems like “Requisite Sequel #247,” with much of the same content we’ve seen in prior games. The usual racers are present, the items are holdovers from past titles and the music is the same indistinguishable bounciness that’s taken over the series since Double Dash!! …

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20 Horrible Movie Bosses

The Devil Wears Prada (2006) The Boss: Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep) The Horribleness: Queen bitch of the fashion industry. Cruel, cold and clinical in her put downs. When her assistant moves mountains to get a copy of the unreleased Harry Potter manuscript for her twins, she unflinchingly asks “What are …

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