Tag Archives: Category: Feature

Resident Evil 6 trailer breakdown and speculation

Who is that girl with blonde hair? What about that guy with no hair? Why does everyone keep yelling? If you wondered any of these things while watching the new Resident Evil 6 trailer you weren’t alone. But worry not! We did the work for you, breaking down the lengthy …

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GRs weekend giveaway: Combat Wings model kits

UPDATE 01/09/2012: This contest is closed. Thank you very much for entering. A private message has been sent to each potential winner. Please check your inbox to see if you’ve won and reply so that we can mail you your prize. This week, GamesRadar celebrates the lost art of clipping …

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20 Surprisingly Violent Movies

Home Alone (1990) The Movie: When Macaulay Culkin finds his house under attack from burglars, he does what any good American would and sets about repelling them in as violent a fashion as possible. Merry Christmas! Look Away When: The most wince-inducing moment has to be when Marv steps on …

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TalkRadar Presents: Its A Terrible Life

(opens in new tab) The Content Yes, friends, it’s time once again to listen to another hastily assembled, amateurishly acted holiday special in lieu of an actual podcast! For the second year in a row, the TalkRadar Theatre Troupe invite you to listen patiently as we put our own spin …

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Walkthrough the PlayStation Vita Welcome Park

It often feels as though Sony threw everything but the kitchen sink into the PS Vita, including a touchscreen, two cameras, a motion sensor, and a back touchpad. It’s great for games, letting developers really do whatever they want with the handheld’s controls, but learning all of these mechanics could …

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