Tag Archives: Capcom

RadarPlays – Dragons Dogma

Halt, adventurer! Before thou progresseth any furthereth, thou shalt knowesteth that goblins don’t like fire. At least, that’s what our Pawns in Dragon’s Dogma told us, right before we obliterated a small army of the things. Watch as Ryan, Henry, and Lucas hop into Capcom’s action adventure RPG to get …

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Lost Planet 3 – Developer demo

We recently visited Capcom to take a look at the next installment in the Lost Planet series and played a few rounds with the developers in the competitive multiplayer modes. They showed us two of Lost Planet 3’s multiplayer modes called Scenario, and Akrid Survival. Get the full breakdown of …

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March 2012 NPD: Mass Effect 3 and Xbox 360 assume control

Mass Effect 3 is back in the news, but this time without the words “ending”, “corrupt save”, or “petition” cramping its style. Today, sales analyst group NPD named BioWare’s sequel the best-selling game in March, adding it sold nearly double the amount Mass Effect 2 did in its debut month. …

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Capcom celebrates 25 years of Street Fighter

Now that we’ve rung in the New Year, it’s time to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Street Fighter. The first iteration of the classic fighting game came out in August of 1987, and Capcom has wasted no time announcing the occasion. Community manager Brett Elston has posted a sharp new …

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GamesCom Asuras Wrath trailer is angry… in space!

Along with a new set of screenshots (opens in new tab), Asura’s Wrath has a fresh trailer for GamesCom 2011. It starts out slow, as Asura and his former master take some time off from their deity duties to enjoy a dip in a hot springs. But don’t be fooled …

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Namco has “no say” in Street Fighter x Tekken

Anytime two massive companies team up, you can expect an armada oflawyers and endless conditions that must appease both parties. Consider Who Framed Roger Rabbit, whereboth Warner Bros and Disney negotiated screentime for Bugs and Mickey down to the second. You’d think Capcom and Namco would have undergone similar discussions …

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Dragons Dogma hands-on preview

Without a doubt, Capcom knows how to craft a great linear experience. Hits like Devil May Cry and Resident Evil place you on a collision course with inescapable enemies and inevitable plot points, rarely allowing you to deviate from their well-structured (but predetermined) paths. With Dragon’s Dogma, Capcom hopes to …

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