Skullkickers adult cartoon in development

An adult-oriented animated series based on the Image Comics title Skullkickers is in development by the animation production company Copernicus Studios. The cartoon is being developed as a 2D “animated comedy adventure series”, and co-creator Edwin Huang has drawn two new illustrations for this week’s announcement – along with a new logo by Tim Daniel.

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(Image credit: Edwin Huang (Copernicus Studios))

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(Image credit: Edwin Huang (Copernicus Studios))

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(Image credit: Tim Daniel (Copernicus Studios))

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“We have big plans for these head-cracking heroes!” Copernicus co-founder/vice president of creative Murray Bain said in the announcement. “There’s so much in the books to work with and we’re pumped to unleash that same excitement and a whole lot more in animation. It’s time to kick some skulls!”

Originally debuting in Image’s Popgun anthology, Skullkickers graduated to its own comic book title which ran for 34 issues from 2010 to 2015. Created by Huang along with writer Jim Zub and artist Chris Stevens, Skullkickers followed a mercenary trio that provided a sarcastic and sardonic bent on the sword & sorcery genre.

“Demand for adult animated content is on the rise,” Copernicus Studios’ president Paul Rigg said. “Over the past few years we’ve seen the popularity of anime and other content for mature audiences increase in North America. Shows like Castlevania, Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal, and Rick & Morty are grabbing attention for good reason. It’s a great time to make our mark in this space.”

Copernicus has worked on the animated series Care Bears: Unlock the Magic and Teen Titans Go!, along with some portions of the films La Llorona and El Santos.

A debut date for Skullkickers has not been announced.

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