Mark Millar is a busy boy these days. Not only has he been placed in charge of overseeing Fox’s Marvel output, but he also has a significant part to play in the long-awaited arrival of Kick-Ass 2 .
Millar has provided a meaty update on the latter, sharing a set report on his website (opens in new tab) in which he updates us on the progress made on the sweary super-sequel.
“Shot down to England last week for some time on the Kick-Ass 2 set,” says Millar. “Three of the days were press interviews, all embargoed until a few weeks before release, but the rest was just sitting around and drinking tea while superheroes beat the shit out of super-villains in the big finale (as you’ll have read in the book).
“As a producer, I’ve been watching a lot of this in the dropbox as it happens, but nothing compares to seeing Mother Russia (in the flesh) pounding Hit-Girl in the face in what WE KNOW is going to win MTV’s Best Fight Scene Award already. I’m not kidding… this fight is unlike anything I’ve seen in cinema before. I’d watched the stunt team block it out a few weeks back, but this was astonishing.
“The movie is being edited as it happens and so, at the halfway point in shooting, I have about 40 edited minutes to watch in the suite during lunch-breaks. Blown Away is an understatement. everything is working perfectly and Vaughn was correct when he told me to trust his judgement when he hand-picked Jeff Wadlow for this gig.”
Millar also went on to hint at some of his other comic-book properties making their way to the big screen, suggesting there could be as many as three more in the pipeline.
“I’m helping prep three other Millarworld movies at the moment (two you should hear about in next week or two) for late spring shoots and so home again and writing. Also writing up lots of Fox plans right now and brain barely keeping tabs on all the various, genuinely thrilling things coming up from that line of movies over the next 2-3 years.”
Kick-Ass 2 opens in the UK on 19 July 2013.