Ecko|Code, the rebranded publisher known formerly as Mark Ecko Entertainment, has just launched a Facebook app based around primetime TV’s best-rating serial killer since Leland Palmer (spoiler). Dexter: Slice of Life is the company’s entry into the Dexter canon, sitting alongside the company’s similar tie-ins with shows such as Weeds and The Borgias. Slice of Life’s release coincides with the launch of Dexter’s season 6, and Ecko promises the game will feature content updates timed to coincide with the show’s events.
Presented as what looks at first glance like a slightly edgier version of The Sims Social, Slice of Life’s “deep transmedia experience” offers “real-time stealth” gameplay geared around Dexter and the player’s own custom-created avatar. The (anti)social-gaming aspect allows players to track and kill one another’s avatars even when the victim is offline, which ought to make life absolutely wonderful for Facebook and awful for the app’s most devoted players. Released episodically, new Slice of Life content will be available weekly the Monday after a new episode of Dexter airs.
Show star Michael C. Hall, who also serves as the series’ Executive Producer, provided voiceover work and worked with Ecko|Code on the app to “guarantee authenticity.” This alone ought to urge you to give the game a go, as Hall still hasn’t received the dues owed by gamers for his sterling work in 2009’s start-to-finish-awesome motion picture, Gamer. Dexter: Slice of Life is live for your stalking and killing pleasure on Facebook as we speak.
Oct 4, 2011