Borderlands 2 trailer appears. Crack, heroin and tobacco prices plummet as addicts find a new outlet

Borderlands 2 is a thing that exists. Do not doubt that. Do not treat that as rumour. Do not let Randy Pitchford make youthink you are an evil person if you believe that it exists. Borderlands 2 is real, and to prove that, here is a teaser trailer. A brief, but very bloody exciting trailer, if you liked the first Borderlands. If you didn’t like the first Borderlands, it probably won’t be. But if you didn’t likethe first Borderlands then you’re probably not excited by anything any more, since whatever that terrible thing was that happened to you that made you turn your back on the world and commence a nihilistic existence devoid of the capacity for human emotion.

For everyone else though, hey, here’s Borderlands 2! It has graphics and colour and a winsome, characterful art style and everything! Including snow and grass and robots and monsters!

August 16, 2011

For everyone else though, hey, here’s Borderlands 2! It has graphics and colour and a winsome, characterful art style and everything! Including snow and grass and robots and monsters!

August 16, 2011

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