12 SF & Fantasy Spin-Offs We Wed Love To Have Seen


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6 Smoke Me A Kipper

Spun off from: Red Dwarf

Who’s in it? Ace Rimmer

What’s it about? Ace Rimmer needs no introduction: he’s the intergalactic flyboy with the perfect hair who regularly saves planets before he’s even had his first cup of tea. Leading the way and setting the template for heroes everywhere, he flies across the multiverses accompanied by his personal crew of dedicated followers, including trusty flight engineer Spanners and Admiral “Bongo” Tranter. Brave? He’s so brave he makes Braveheart look all heart!

Why do we want it? Sometimes a sitcom’s best characters are the ones who are so OTT they can only appear fleetingly – think Lord Flashheart in Blackadder , an obvious contemporary of Ace Rimmer. But while there’s a chance that over-familiarity could allow their popularity to wane, we can’t help but feel that in the right hands, an Ace spin-off could crack us up.

After all, just look at him. What a guy!


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7 Terminal City

Spun off from: Dark Angel

Who’s in it? A genetically-enhanced former science-experiment named Alec and his freaky friends, including a friendly half-man, half-dog named Joshua.

What’s it about? Since Max and her army of mutants fought for the rights of all genetic freaks and finally won them, Terminal City has become the new, legal home of all transgenics. And yet while freaks aren’t automatically criminals any more, they still face persecution from the public and people who don’t abide by the law.

After Max moves on, her fellow Manticore escapee Alec picks up where she left off, using his genetically manipulated skills to protect his kind and do the right thing – which usually involves him landing himself in a ton of trouble and having to fight his way out of it. Then again, he’s good at that.

Why do we want it? Jensen Ackles is, of course, one half of the Winchester brothers on Supernatural right now. But in a world without Supernatural we would have loved to see this show, taking one of Dark Angel ’s cheekiest and well-liked characters and using his roguish charms to propel a series about the aftermath of injustice. There would have been plenty of room for other alumni, too – alongside Joshua (Alec’s trusty sidekick) we can imagine Original Cindy and Normal popping up to provide some sass and complain a lot.

The Dark Angel universe deserved a longer run than its two seasons, so this would’ve been the perfect way of honouring all the work that went into it. Plus if James Cameron had stuck around to oversee things, this could have been a truly epic show… We can dream.


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