Yarrr! Save the last pirates in Reso-rum

Yo-ho-ho and a barrel of fun! Avast there mateys, today it be International Talk Like a Pirate Day (opens in new tab), and the lubbers from Housemarque have plundered up some right tasty booty to celebrate!

Sorry (or thankfully, depending on your point of view), there’s no way I can keep that up for an entire article. However, what you need to know is if you play Resogun today or tomorrow, the humans that normally require rescuing will be replaced by a bunch of salty sea dogs–complete with peg legs, hook hands, strong beards and a whole host of new voice samples for them to shout as you fling them around.

To complete the experience why not head to the Ship Editor (opens in new tab) section, where a search for “pirate” will bring up all manner of skull and crossbones-flying vessels for you to download and pilot. Make sure you set sail soon though, as this update will only be live until the end of Sat-arrr-day. Look, I said I was sorry…

Do you have something really cool that you’d like to share with us? Let us know! Maybe we’ll even post it. You can email us at suggestions@gamesradar.com or find us on Twitter @GamesRadar.

About Fox

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