Watch Destinys update 2.2.0 livestream here – 11AM PT/7PM BST

Destiny (opens in new tab)’s big 2.2.0 update will arrive on Tuesday next week, which means it’s time for the final pre-release info stream from Bungie. Or more specifically, it will be time Wednesday at 11 am PDT / 7 pm BST. This week’s stream will focus on new stuff and tweaks for the PvP Crucible and general “sandbox” play changes, as previously stated, though Bungie also teased (opens in new tab) some new developments specifically for Warlock players.

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Last week’s stream honed in on changes coming to loot (AKA Destiny’s beating heart), including several flashy new armor sets and a much more forgiving Infusion system. Here’s Leon and Louise to get you up to speed on that new stuff:

UPDATE: Last week, the first of three Bungie streams for Destiny’s big April update gave us a new upper light limit of 335 (opens in new tab), changed up the Prison of Elders, added a new strike and threw out plenty of other stuff. Here’s a quick catch up on that:

This week? Well, this week’s stream is called “New Things to Earn” so I guessing new gear, guns and armour are going to be front and centre this week. Considering the light hike, it makes sense that we might have some new toys to take us there. There might even be another tweak of stats like the Year one/two changes we had before.


Last week Bungie announced that the big one, Destiny update 2.2.0 (opens in new tab) would be arriving April 12th, and dropped that bombshell image of Taken Guardians. While we had a short list of new features (listed below) the rest was due in three weekly streams, the first of which is today.

The show, starting at 11AM PT and 6PM GMT, is called ‘New Things to Do’, presumably tying into mention of new PVE challenges, quests and Blighted Chalice Strike. I’ll bet you anything they say nothing about the Taken Guardians. That’s totally a final stream finisher.

The update feature list teased so far is this:

• New PVE Challenges
• New and Updated Gear
• New Quest featuring the Blighted Chalice Strike
• Increased Max Light and Rewards
• Sandbox and Crucible Updates
• And more…

We’ll find out the finer details when the appointed hour arrives.

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