Want to make your own Blade Runner origami unicorn? Here’s how…

Most of us stare at the origami unicorn in Blade Runner and ponder if it means that Rick Deckard is, in fact, a Replicant, and has spent the entire movie hunting his own kind. What we should be thinking is, ‘How do I make one of those babies?’

Well now you can, with the kit that comes with the new issue of Total Film magazine (on sale August 25 or you can subscribe here (opens in new tab)). TF has put together a handy guide to help you with your papercraft endeavours: Watch the video and follow the step-by-step guide on how to fashion a legendary beast of such beauty it would make Harrison Ford grin. Or at least offer a begrudging smirk.

That video too slow for you? Check out the time-lapse below:

Once you’ve done that, you can give yourself a pat on the back, plonk the horny horse pride of place on top of the TV, then check out the rest of the brand new issue of Total Film for more Blade Runner goodness. Not only is the hotly anticipated sequel Blade Runner 2049 (opens in new tab) on the cover, with an aptly ravishing feature inside, but it comes with the gifts of a 52-page Blade Runner: A Celebration magazine, Blade Runner art cards and 148-page ebook on the greatest spaceships and robots in sci-fi cinema.

Now what human – or Replicant – could resist that?

(Image credit: Sony/Total Film)

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