Uncharted director joins on Viscerals Star Wars, making for a promising Han Solo game

Remember the reveal of Star Wars 1313? It looked just like an Uncharted game, but, you know… Star Wars. Millions of voices cried out in terror when 1313 was canceled following Disney’s acquisition of LucasArts. Then more tears were shed when it was revealed to be about the infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett. But now, Amy Hennig, the creative director and writer of the Uncharted series, is on board for Visceral’s upcoming Star Wars project. So, we’ve got a canceled Uncharted-like Star Wars game, and an Uncharted developer working on a Star Wars game–sounds like the perfect conditions for 1313 to return (and become more powerful than you can possibly imagine). But from the looks of things, we’re going to get an awesome Star Wars game out of Visceral–it’s just probably not the Boba Fett-starring 1313.

Even with EA’s announcement that Amy Hennig has joined Visceral as the Creative Director of the developer’s Star Wars project, the fact that Disney abandoned the Star Wars 1313 trademark in January makes it unlikely the game will be made. Yes, Disney is all but confirmed to be making a Boba Fett spin-off movie, which would seem like a perfect opportunity for a Visceral movie tie-in game, but EA has stated that the upcoming Star Wars games would not be based on the upcoming films. So that doesn’t work.

But there’s a new hope. Hennig is used to writing compelling stories about scoundrel-esque characters, and the next game could very well be about one that would fit that personality type. Think about it: give the stuck up, half-witted, scruffy looking, nerf-herder Nathan Drake a blaster and he is Han Solo. There’s several Han Solo stories that haven’t been detailed on the silver screen or in video games, in fact, despite being one of the most popular character’s the franchise has ever seen, we’ve rarely been able to actually play as the brash Captain. The plot could center around his early days. Imagine saving Chewie from slavery, playing out his early days as an Imperial officer, and breaking the Kessel run record in the Falcon. But, you know, that’s just a wild guess, and if the Han Solo spin-off movie rumors are true, that theory gets blown right out into space.

What could Visceral really be working on? Well, EA Canada is said to be working on an open-world title, but Visceral has yet to confirm or deny their involvement in the project. But now that one of the leading creative minds behind Uncharted has joined the team, we can at least look forward to possibly even more intriguing plotlines to be explored. Don’t get me wrong, it would be great if Disney rummaged through the trash compactor and pulled the 1313 trademark away from the Dianoga tentacles the company left it in. But there are just too many amazing alternatives to consider–like a full-blown Han Solo game. Come on!

About Fox

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