Twisted Metal movie gets green light

Yet another time-honored video game series is getting the Hollywood makeover, with news today that Sony Pictures has signed up Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance and Crank co-director Brian Taylor to helm a cinematic version of the Twisted Metal series. Taylor will both write and direct the vehicular manslaughter flick under the supervision of Avi and Ari Arad, the Spiderman and Iron Man movie producers who are also working on film versions of Mass Effect and Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune.

According to the report on Deadline, the movie will revolve around a deadly competition wherein contestants are tasked with slaughtering each other with modified vehicles for a chance to have one wish granted by the omnipotent Calypso. Familiar characters such as Sweet Tooth and Doll Face have been already been confirmed for the film, which means somewhere some Hollywood people are getting paid to make a real life killer ice cream truck.

There are no actors attached to the Twisted Metal project yet, but may we suggest Breaking Bad’s Bryan Cranston? No reason – he’s just awesome. Speaking of silly casting speculation, the latest word out of the Hollywood blogosphere is that Nathan Fillian is back on to star as Nathan Drake in Avi Arad’s Uncharted movie. Considering the internet hasn’t been taken over by Browncoats, we’ll wait for official word before taking this report seriously.

The newest chapter in the Twisted Metal video game series rolled out for PS3 yesterday. Read our review of the brutal (in a good way) reboot here.

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