The goose from Untitled Goose Game is causing mischief in other game worlds, and we wish it was real

Untitled Goose Game arguably has one of the best protagonists in recent gaming history. I mean, it lets you play as a goose who’s hell bent on causing trouble for all of the residents of a quiet little town. What more could you ask for? From pinching slippers and hats, to breaking drawers and brooms, the little waterfowl gets up to all kinds of hijinks. But just imagine how much havoc the little waddling goose and its mighty wings could cause if it were let loose in other game worlds such as Hyrule. 

Enter the internet. Since the game launched earlier this month, the little honk machine has been popping up in lots of different game worlds thanks to the creativity of players. After seeing these, I can’t help but wish with all my heart these crossovers were real. 

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Goose 

oh no 26, 2019

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First off this image surfaced on Twitter thanks to the creative skills of Celsius Game Studios who posted this image of the goose majestically standing before the master sword in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (opens in new tab) with the caption “oh no.” Oh no, indeed. Just imagine the power that goose could have if it got its beak around the hilt of the master sword. Ganondorf’s would be a minor threat in comparison. Will the little goose spell the doom of Hyrule? Honestly we wish we could answer that. It’s truly the crossover dreams are made of. Chickens wouldn’t be the most powerful winged fiend, that’s for sure. 

PT…G? (Playable Teaser Goose) 

(Image credit: Reddit u/whyangelinawhy)

And you thought Lisa was scary? Well, just wait until you see the ominous white glow of the goose standing in that nightmarish corridor and you’ll truly experience the real horror of PT. Thanks to reddit user whyangelinawhy (opens in new tab), we can get a pretty good idea of what it would look like. After seeing some more behind the scenes action of PT where it was uncovered that Lisa is always behind you (opens in new tab) and that she’s also headless in the bathtub (opens in new tab), we didn’t think the game could possibly get any scarier. 

How wrong we were. 

Animal Crossing: New Goose Horizons

HONK give me the shovel 26, 2019

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I am beside myself with excitement about the prospect of playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons (opens in new tab) next year. Part of why so many love Animal Crossing is how gentle and chill the adorable life sim is, but just imagine how different it would be if the cheeky goose invaded the sleepy world and started attacking all of the adorable villagers with a shovel? Poor Isabelle would have her work cut out for her trying to keep the pesky goose under control, and we’re also pretty sure Tom Nook would be very upset if the goose drove all his business away. 

Super Smash Goose Ultimate. 

Goose for smash!#untitledgoosegame 20, 2019

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They put Sans in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, so who’s to say the goose couldn’t also join in? Especially since it could easily pinch an invite. The white and orange menace could have some serious fighting skills, such as pecking at opponents, giving them a good thrashing with its wings, and making off with their weapons. The waterfowl could be the ultimate fighter in the roster, and I for one hope it manages to sneak its way onto the fighting stage very soon. 

Legend of Zelda: Goose Awakening

Untitled Goose Game and Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening were both released on the same day. Two great games you should check out! #LinksAwakening #untitledgoosegame #NintendoSwitch 21, 2019

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Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild isn’t the only Link adventure the goose has found its way into. Here you can see some glorious fan art of the goose pinching Links hat in the recently remastered version of Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (opens in new tab)… and what an awakening it is. 

If you’re stuck at any point in your waddling goose adventures, why not check out our Untitled Goose Game walkthrough (opens in new tab) for all your honk-related needs. 

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