Tag Archives: World of Warcraft

Blizzard unveils Mists of Pandaria Talent Calculator

The Mists of Pandaria expansion for World of Warcraft is slated to bring some interesting changes to the long-running fantasy MMO, and this week Blizzard released a Talent Calculator to prepare future Pandarens and Pandarian explorers alike for the new and (reportedly) improved Talent System. Now available for your tinkering …

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Russian Prime Minister: Why not a Russia-themed WoW?

2012 will mark 1,150 years since the founding of the Russian state. You don’t need to complete Civ V to know that kind of time will buy a country no shortage of history – and President Dmitry Medvedev, enthusiastic to celebrate the anniversary, wants his nation’s young folks to feel …

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Chinese firm introduces virtual property insurance

Want to protect that summer home in Silvermoon City? Anxious about someone jacking your ballin’ ride in Second Life? An insurance company in China is now offering a little MMO peace of mind in the form of what it claims to bethe world’s first form of ‘virtual property’ insurance. The …

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