Tag Archives: Titanfall

Demo for Titanfalls scrapped Campaign emerges online

A brief demo of a scrapped campaign for the original Titanfall has emerged online. A developer posted the previously-unseen footage over the weekend, giving us a look at the campaign that never was. You can see the footage of the campaign prototype just below, as posted by original Titanfall developer …

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How Sony is redefining the rules on console exclusives

Two games launched on March 11 earlier this year: Titanfall on the Xbox One and TowerFall: Ascension for the PlayStation 4. Beyond sharing a release date and oddly similar names, these dissimilar titles are worth viewing as a pair because they demonstrate the gulf between Microsoft and Sony’s current exclusive …

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Microsoft offers free dedicated servers for all Xbox One titles

Call of Duty: Ghosts and Titanfall will both have free dedicated multiplayer servers, and, according to Microsoft’s Albert Penello, so will every other game on Xbox One. Penello responded on Twitter to a user inquiring about Microsoft’s Xbox Live Compute program. @PontifusRex yesOctober 15, 2013 See more That means host …

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