Tag Archives: Sega CD

9 daring video game prison breaks

Don’t drop the soap They say that prison changes a man – changes him for life. His voice deepens, his body develops, and he begins to sprout hair where there was no hair before – no wait, wrong article. The point is that the whole process of imprisonment can have …

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RadioRadar podcast 101: Going rogue

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the guys lost episode 100 and had to record 101 this week! But while you wait for the 100th show, listen to our newest impressions from this week, including bosses you never get to fight, game delays, rogue assassins, and your answers to last week’s question …

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Bash skulls to the beat in Crypt of the NecroDancer

Delving into procedurally generated dungeons to slay pixelated monsters? Sounds great. Rhythm games with awesome music? Count me in. Combining the two into one glorious union!? I’M LOVING MY LIFE. Crypt of the NecroDancer is an idea that I’m shocked no one had before now–and even if they did, I’m …

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How Sony is redefining the rules on console exclusives

Two games launched on March 11 earlier this year: Titanfall on the Xbox One and TowerFall: Ascension for the PlayStation 4. Beyond sharing a release date and oddly similar names, these dissimilar titles are worth viewing as a pair because they demonstrate the gulf between Microsoft and Sony’s current exclusive …

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E3 2014s greatest games

E for All With another E3 in the books, it’s time to discuss the greatest games shown at the convention. Sure, there were exciting reveals by way of Uncharted 4 and a new Legend of Zelda, but those were only briefly teased. Here, we’ll celebrate the games that were actually …

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10 gaming fads that arent around anymore

Back in my day Rose-tinted glasses; nostalgia; a desperate clinging to what you remember in the face of constant change. Whatever you want to call it, reflection on the best bits of yesteryear can be a powerful force. Yes, previous eras of gaming were rife with problems only a ’90s …

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Top 7 Games you didnt know did it first

Virtual pioneers In this digital age, society seems increasingly content to equate being first with being the best. So here–let me just preempt everyone reading this by saying “First!” right here and now. Of course, that won’t stop anyone; people just want to feel like they’re experiencing something before anyone …

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The 7 Unspoken rules of gaming (finally explained)

House rules Youre standing still on an escalator and, as you travel up, people keep walking past while giving you dirty looks. Its confusing, until it hits you: youre standing on the left-hand side. Youre blocking the agreed-upon side where people walk, thus breaking the social contract and becoming a …

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