Tag Archives: Role Playing

The 20 greatest moments in Pokemon history

As of the February 27, 2016, Pokemon will have been around for 20 years (opens in new tab). While you’re internally screaming at just how fast all of those years have passed by, let’s take a breather to look at the greatest moments of one of the most iconic gaming …

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Shadow of the Beast is the bloody, 2D cousin of Batman

Twenty-six years distant from the Commodore Amiga original, I dove into this remake unsure of what to expect. I soon found out. A knight – all silver and radiant – rushes my demonic character with sword in hand. I hit a button and the Beast responds by spinning around and …

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The Witcher 3 studio has largely moved on to Cyberpunk 2077

CD Projekt RED emerged briefly to claim five Golden Joystick Awards (opens in new tab) earlier today, but now it’s straight back to work on Cyberpunk 2077. And, to a lesser extent, The Witcher 3 (opens in new tab). “The team is divided right now,” Michal Nowakowski, CD Projekt SVP …

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Dark Souls 3 bosses – What we want to see

Like a boss Bosses in the Dark Souls series are the icing on a bloody cake. If you’ve played through a Dark Souls game, Bloodborne, or Demon’s Souls, chances are there are plenty of boss encounters that stick out in your mind. You remember those bosses because you spent hours …

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