Tag Archives: Reader Bloggers

BLOG Dredded 3D Strikes Again

Today I read this article over on IGN. The headline attracted me: “ Dredd 3D Prevails In The Home Video Market”. I’d heard that Dredd was doing very well since the DVD/Blu-ray had been released. I’d heard tales of the Blu-ray being sold-out in various supermarkets and that the film …

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BLOG All Good Fringe

As I write there are just three episodes of new Fringe to go (in the UK, at least). After that there will be no more. The two-hour show finale is being shown simultaneously with the US; it’s airing on Sky (opens in new tab) in the middle of the night …

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BLOG Mephistos

Mephistos Written by Naniiebim Drawn by Naniiebim £6.35 (Book 1) • £9.53 (Books 2-4) http://www.etsy.com/shop/naniiebim (opens in new tab) Maria’s life is quiet, simple, normal. Until she sees the man on the subway with horns and a tail and strange eyes. He seems nice enough certainly, and that’s the first …

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BLOG Telikos Protocol REVIEW

Telikos Protocol Issue 1 Written by Peter Cooper Art by Adam Burn Published by Vanquish Interactive – £2.55 http://www.amazon.com/Telikos-Protocol-1-ebook/dp/B009P9IZZY/ (opens in new tab) Far beneath the surface of the Earth, Doctor John Santilli struggles to understand an alien artefact. Far above the surface, an asteroid plummets down the planet’s gravity …

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BLOG Just Say No To Smell-O-Vision

Well, that’s how it used to be… Now we can’t go an evening without seeing them. Multiple times. Now we’re being subjected to them eight times an hour. Well, we are if we like prime time US drama on the FX channel. I’m talking, of course, about the Joop! Homme …

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BLOG Metascifi: A New Species of Science Fiction

For the past two years conceptual artist Martin Firrell has been working on something very special for science fiction fans, and he’s been keeping details about his new project super-secret… until now. A teasing first look of the project is now live on the Metascifi website, and in this first …

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BLOGBUSTERS Star-Crossed Lovers

It’s the “You and your timing!” edition. We’ll just give the Farscape fans who got that reference a moment to wipe their eyes. And by Farscape fans I also mean me. Everyone better? Aces. Right then! This week we’re looking at couples in genre fiction. The double acts whose banter, …

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BLOG The Monkeybrain Interviews: Edison Rex

Edison Rex starts where most superhero books finish. Edison Rex is the smartest man in the world, a criminal genius, and the archnemesis of the world’s greatest protector, Valiant. Having dedicated his life to defeating Valiant and proving once and for all that he is a menace to humanity and …

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BLOG The Monkeybrain Interviews: The October Girl

(opens in new tab) Monkeybrain Comics has had a very good couple of weeks. Its initial launch announcement was so well received that it launched through comiXology, the digital comics site, two days early. I talked to the creative teams behind all five books, starting with Matthew Dow Smith, writer …

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BLOGBUSTERS Essential Comic Reading

(opens in new tab) Comics. I love comics. I’ve read comics, I’ve sold comics, I’ve reviewed comics and I’ve written really, really, really small press one-off indie comics that one time. They’re an incredibly fun, versatile medium and my whole life, including my time served in the retail trenches, they …

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