Tag Archives: Reader Bloggers

BLOG Im Watching It Because Its Sci-Fi

I have a simple question for you; what is your favourite currently-airing US or Canadian sci-fi TV show? And is it as good as sci-fi TV shows you’ve loved in the past? (opens in new tab) The reason I ask is because I’m finding sci-fi TV to be a bit …

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BLOG Afterlife Inc Volume 3 Preview

Afterlife Inc by Jon Lock was probably the best comic I read last year. It’s the story of Jack Fortune, the recently-installed head of Afterlife Inc, the organisation that runs the Empyrean. The Empyrean is a near infinite citadel where everyone goes when they die. Hell? Heaven? Same place, different …

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BLOG A Cinematic Universe Too Far?

(opens in new tab) There seems to be a lot of talk about Man Of Steel being a possible gateway film for DC; that it might lead to a Justice League film and other DC characters appearing on the big screen; that this latest Superman outing could, ultimately, be the …

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BLOG Memorable Cinematic Mecha

Blogger Steven Ellis celebrates the stomping robot suits of sci-fi With Pacific Rim less than a month from release, it looks like we’re about to get all the massive mecha suit action we’ve ever wanted. Mecha suits – large fighting robots controlled by a pilot – have been a part …

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The last time I posted up a comic review, someone raised a very good point; why was I reviewing book that was two weeks old and most people who were going to buy had already got? It’s a good question and the answer breaks down into a couple of different …

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BLOG Lone Wolf

(opens in new tab) When I was at school in the ’90s, there were two gamebook series that changed my life. These were the same basic format as the Choose Your Own Adventure and Fighting Fantasy series, where you played a character and were offered choices in the narrative. Depending …

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BLOG The 3D Treks Back

(opens in new tab) On Monday it was announced that tickets for Star Trek into Darkness were going to be available to pre-order. As people heard this news – and it became obvious that the 3D version of the film was the one being given the most screens and seemed …

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BLOG Age Of Ultron Book 2 review

Book Two THE ONE WHERE In San Francisco, a badly disfigured Black Widow and Moon Knight gather information on what’s happened, slowly piecing together exactly how bad the situation is. Operating out of one of Nick Fury’s hideouts, they discover something which could give humanity the first chance it’s had. …

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BLOG Squid Bits

What led to you setting up Squid Bits? “I thought it would be kind of cool to have an overall name for my work, rather than just me, if that makes any sense! I had a lot of work and self-published bits and pieces that I wanted to get out …

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BLOG Human No More

(opens in new tab) So, it was announced yesterday that the currently running fifth series of Being Human will be the last. I have to say I’m really disappointed about this news. After never really being a big fan of Being Human over its first three series, I found myself …

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