Tag Archives: Puzzle

Dr Mario: Miracle Cure review

The Mario brothers are back, moonlighting as a pair of doctors whose medical credentials are as questionable as their plumbing skills. Considering we’ve never seen Mario do so much as write up an estimate for a new en-suite, watching him throw a cocktail of drugs into a bottle of viruses …

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The most despicably evil video game corporations

What’re ya selling? Evil corporations are everywhere in games. Behind most virtual villains, there’s a sprawling business carrying out their dastardly schemes. These companies are pros at screwing up life for anyone who opposes them, or stands in the way of their own unique brand of “progress.” Progress that usually …

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Fez Anti-Cube locations guide

Fez (opens in new tab) is one of the trickiest games to have come around in a long time. So much so that there are puzzles that requires you to decipher a totally different language. No easy feat unless you happen to know where to look. Many of the puzzles …

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Why Sony is being smarter with indie gaming than its rivals

Over the last eight years, Sony’s internal studios and third-party partnerships have produced a famously long string of artistic, off-kilter, experimental console games. In a slightly abstract way, that trait is an extension of the platform holder’s philosophy since the days of the PS1. Who else was putting out games …

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Zero Escapes creator discusses the series past and future

Welcome to the Nonary Game… If you havent yet played Aksys Games unsettling Zero Escape series–consisting of Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (aka 999) and Virtues Last Reward–youre missing out. Though they might not be the biggest names out there, these visual-novel adventures have received acclaim from critics and …

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What generation of gamer are you?

What is your gaming age? Gaming is one of the worlds most popular hobbies. It spans every age generation, caters to almost every taste, and cares little for race and gender issues. In one house a man plays Grand Theft Auto (opens in new tab) (psst, GTA 5 is coming …

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Antichamber review

After a few minutes inside the white hallways of Antichamber, you’ll realize your surroundings are not what they seem. Floors will disintegrate, staircases will rise and fall without end, and what you know about how things work will go out the window. Its visual style may make it look almost …

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