Tag Archives: Puzzle

The ending of Madison explained

The Madison game ending is one of the more cryptic finales you’ll encounter to a game recently, with specifics left unclear about what happened to Luca, the spirit of Madison herself, and just what the dark events shown in the finale of the game mean for the main character as …

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How to find the Madison lock code

The Madison lock code combination to the padlocked door in the ritual room where you get camera is a particular bugbear, as the code actually isn’t given to you until much, much later. The solution is nowhere close to the time you’ll first encounter the lock so you’ll have to …

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Nintendo responds to Labo homepage removal

Update – April 20: Nintendo of America says Labo will remain available even after the removal of its main web page.  The company responded to a request for comment regarding the recently redirected Labo homepage and the perceived implications for the future of the product line, with many users wondering …

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