Tag Archives: Hearthstone

Hearthstones Saviors of Uldum expansion is now live

Put on your best crime-fighting gear, because Hearthstone’s Saviors of Uldum expansion is now live on all servers. You can log in now to claim a free random Legendary Quest, and by completing a short quest, you can get three free Saviors of Uldum card packs. If you purchased one …

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How to infect yourself with Hearthstones viral new card back

Hearthstone players were delighted when Hakkar, the Soulflayer (opens in new tab) showed his scaly face in the Rastakhan’s Rumble (opens in new tab) expansion. This imposing neutral minion card pays tribute to a legendary, totally unintended moment in World of Warcraft history when players started a Corrupted Blood pandemic …

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