Tag Archives: Comics Reviews


The last time I posted up a comic review, someone raised a very good point; why was I reviewing book that was two weeks old and most people who were going to buy had already got? It’s a good question and the answer breaks down into a couple of different …

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BLOG Age Of Ultron Book 2 review

Book Two THE ONE WHERE In San Francisco, a badly disfigured Black Widow and Moon Knight gather information on what’s happened, slowly piecing together exactly how bad the situation is. Operating out of one of Nick Fury’s hideouts, they discover something which could give humanity the first chance it’s had. …

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BLOG Telikos Protocol REVIEW

Telikos Protocol Issue 1 Written by Peter Cooper Art by Adam Burn Published by Vanquish Interactive – £2.55 http://www.amazon.com/Telikos-Protocol-1-ebook/dp/B009P9IZZY/ (opens in new tab) Far beneath the surface of the Earth, Doctor John Santilli struggles to understand an alien artefact. Far above the surface, an asteroid plummets down the planet’s gravity …

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