Tag Archives: Category: Feature

Five Collectable Doctor Who Covers Unveiled

The latest newsstand issue of SFX features five exclusive character covers to choose from The world’s number one sci-fi and fantasy magazine today celebrates this autumn’s return of Doctor Who with an exclusive selection of five limited edition covers and a revealing behind-the-scenes interview. The new issue of SFX , …

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Gamings most ridiculously complex control schemes

OK, what are the buttons? I remember when game consoles had two buttons and a d-pad. Then Street Fighter 2 came along and suddenly everyone wanted six buttons. Then six buttons plus shoulder buttons, then four shoulder buttons, then analogue sticks that are also buttons the world has gone button …

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Youre playing it wrong! 8 ways gamers always ruin games

The power to destroy worlds “DO NOT PRESS THE RED BUTTON. REPEAT: DO NOT PRESS THE RED BUTTON. Seriously, don’t press it” Oh. Yeah, of course you did. Because we humans are petulant and sometimes a bit self-destructive, and so the fastest way to guarantee that we do anything is …

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The most despicably evil video game corporations

What’re ya selling? Evil corporations are everywhere in games. Behind most virtual villains, there’s a sprawling business carrying out their dastardly schemes. These companies are pros at screwing up life for anyone who opposes them, or stands in the way of their own unique brand of “progress.” Progress that usually …

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GUEST BLOG Reinventing Robin Hood

Men in tights? Journalist and author Tim Hall writes about “the original superhero” Tim Hall’s debut novel, Shadow Of The Wolf , provides a dark, supernatural origin story for Robin Hood. In this guest blog he explains how he unearthed the “superhero of Sherwood”… I’ve read and watched countless interpretations, …

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8 games that lost their sense of humor

Lighten up, man Stop me if youve heard this before: Games have lost their way. They used to have a lark. They used to be funny. Modern games are too serious with all their death and grimacing and murky shadows. Damn those killjoy shadows. All a nonsense cliche, of course. …

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