Tag Archives: Category: Feature

Why cant we get a decent giant monster game?

Some of my fondest memories as a kid involved heading to an arcade, getting a few dollars from my parents, and plunking a few tokens into some games. One of my favorites was Rampage, which put you in the shoes of one of three humans who find themselves transformed into …

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Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts is a misunderstood gem

Time hasn’t exactly been kind to the public perception of Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts. Before Rare’s recent resurgence, the game was the last gasp of a developer who had been struggling to remain relevant in the 21st century. It was a gamble of innovation that backfired miserably, as it’s universally …

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I Got Next: How to build a haunted house

Haunted houses are inherently ridiculous. Walking inside comes with an inherent acknowledgement of the house’s artifice: you know it’s all fake. People made it, not spirits. Surrender is also an inherent aspect of the experience, though. Giving yourself over to the house means you’re willing to be scared. You want …

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The greatest secret agents in comic book history

Super spies Being a superhero? Yeah, its okay for an amateur. But a superspy? Now youre talking! Meet the greatest superspies from the world of comics, some with powers, others not, but all working for this government or that, each with a ruthless streak and a lot of sneak, and …

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