Tag Archives: Category: Feature

5 reasons why Ripper Street season 4 will be different

The Three Musketeers of Whitechapel are back After three seasons even the best TV shows would struggle to be original. Its often the make or break moment which sees whether a show is going to go on to better things (Buffy), or end of a blaze of disappointment (Heroes). With …

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5 changes we want to see in Ni no Kuni 2

Change for the better Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch was a beautiful, yet flawed, game. The 2010 PlayStation 3 RPG developed in collaboration with Level-5 – the makers of Professor Layton – and the famed animation powerhouse Studio Ghibli (Spirited Away, Ponyo), was a magical tale that …

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Shadow of the Beast is the bloody, 2D cousin of Batman

Twenty-six years distant from the Commodore Amiga original, I dove into this remake unsure of what to expect. I soon found out. A knight – all silver and radiant – rushes my demonic character with sword in hand. I hit a button and the Beast responds by spinning around and …

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Who the Hell are the Old Hunters in Bloodborne?

When you’re not busy narrowly avoiding death at the claws of eldritch abominations, you might notice there are a lot of other hunters scurrying about the world of Bloodborne. They tend to come in two flavors – kind and helpful, or homicidal and intent on wearing your giblets as earrings. …

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