Tag Archives: Category: Feature

Best multiplayer games to enjoy with your fellow gamers

“But isn’t gaming just a bit… antisocial?” goes The Question. It’s usually delivered through curved lips by an elderly relative over a plate of something beige and green, as the sound of cutlery protesting faintly against cold ceramic plates grows louder. Well, next time you hear The Question, swallow your …

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12 Classic games you can revive on your smartphone

Sometimes the gold leaf-inlaid memories of gaming childhood should be left alone. Do you, like us, have nostalgia about renting Shaq Fu and Clayfighter on SNES from Blockbuster? Don’t get within 50 feet of those cartridges. However, there are plenty of oldie classics worth revisiting. And you can do the …

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15 best college movies of all time

College. Ah, the first taste of freedom. Whether it be through a beer bong, a keg stand, or via less intoxicating means, like… uhh… studying? The best college movies tap into that feeling, that glorious sweet spot where youth is still on your side and the promise of a bright …

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