Tag Archives: Category: Feature

50 Coolest Fictional Movie Companies

Life Extension The Company: High-tech cryonics specialists seen in Open Your Eyes (1997) and Vanilla Sky (2001) who can offer dying customers a lifeline – years of lucid dreaming in suspended animation until a cure can be found for their condition. Why We’d Want To Work There: Surely this is …

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BLOG A Cinematic Universe Too Far?

(opens in new tab) There seems to be a lot of talk about Man Of Steel being a possible gateway film for DC; that it might lead to a Justice League film and other DC characters appearing on the big screen; that this latest Superman outing could, ultimately, be the …

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30 Franchise-Killing Movies

Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990) The Franchise-Killing Movie: It took director Joe Dante and co six years to figure out how to bring these little critters back to the big screen, and when they did, they shoved their tongues even further into their cheeks than before. Cranking up the …

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Zero Escapes creator discusses the series past and future

Welcome to the Nonary Game… If you havent yet played Aksys Games unsettling Zero Escape series–consisting of Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (aka 999) and Virtues Last Reward–youre missing out. Though they might not be the biggest names out there, these visual-novel adventures have received acclaim from critics and …

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RadarPlays – Deadpool

Hey! This is a great chance to make some sort of joke about breaking the fourth-wall! Deadpool does it all the time, so it’d be funny to make a reference here. Hm. Maybe we can talk about talking about making a joke? Well, they might not get that unless they …

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Final Fantasy XIV PS3 Beta Key Giveaway

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: Those of you who have a PC registration code should have gotten a private message on GamesRadar with a PS3 code. We are aware that for many of you, those codes are invalid or “have been used.” We are working to get you guys replacement codes …

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RadioRadar podcast 043: Xbox One-Eighty

This was a crazy week. While Nintendo and Sony hid in their bunkers, Microsoft dropped a bomb regarding the Xbox One. If you haven’t heard about it yet, then you’re in for a suprise! If you have, well, then listen to us talk about it anyway. Hosts: Hollander Cooper, Henry …

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BLOG Memorable Cinematic Mecha

Blogger Steven Ellis celebrates the stomping robot suits of sci-fi With Pacific Rim less than a month from release, it looks like we’re about to get all the massive mecha suit action we’ve ever wanted. Mecha suits – large fighting robots controlled by a pilot – have been a part …

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RadarPlays – Dragons Dogma

Halt, adventurer! Before thou progresseth any furthereth, thou shalt knowesteth that goblins don’t like fire. At least, that’s what our Pawns in Dragon’s Dogma told us, right before we obliterated a small army of the things. Watch as Ryan, Henry, and Lucas hop into Capcom’s action adventure RPG to get …

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11 random objects that look like gaming executives

Objects of desire Every year, the most powerful men and women in the games industry put themselves in the spotlight at E3 and other press events. So, naturally, our first thought was to make fun of them. It’s all good-natured, of course. We found a bunch of random objects that …

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