Tag Archives: Action RPG

Who the Hell are the Old Hunters in Bloodborne?

When you’re not busy narrowly avoiding death at the claws of eldritch abominations, you might notice there are a lot of other hunters scurrying about the world of Bloodborne. They tend to come in two flavors – kind and helpful, or homicidal and intent on wearing your giblets as earrings. …

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The Witcher 3 studio has largely moved on to Cyberpunk 2077

CD Projekt RED emerged briefly to claim five Golden Joystick Awards (opens in new tab) earlier today, but now it’s straight back to work on Cyberpunk 2077. And, to a lesser extent, The Witcher 3 (opens in new tab). “The team is divided right now,” Michal Nowakowski, CD Projekt SVP …

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The Witcher 3 freed me from my shackles of RPG nobility

I am relentlessly noble when it comes to my behavior in RPGs. When given the choice to define my character’s personality, I unfailingly defend the downtrodden, oppose the oppressors, steal from the rich and give to the… well, I keep the money because that sweet new gear isn’t going to …

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The Witcher 3 patch makes Geralt less obsessed with candles

Geralt of Rivia has a problem. No matter how much he wants to open a tempting-looking treasure chest or flip an important switch, he feels compelled to show off his fire magic by repeatedly lighting, dousing, and re-lighting nearby candles and torches first. Thankfully, the latest patch for The Witcher …

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Transistor Combat Guide

Supergiant Games have upped the ante with their second release in the wake of Bastion. Transistor is a revenge-meets-love-story-meets-Tron mash-up with a crisp art style that bleeds into soft watercolours accompanied by a vast medley of ambient tracks that Red can hum along to at the push of a button. …

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