Matthew Vaughn had planned to recast Wolverine in Days Of Future Past

Matthew Vaughn has been discussing the vision he had for X-Men: Days Of Future Past back when he was attached to direct, and has revealed he had planned to cast a new actor in the role of Wolverine.

As it turned out, Vaughn dropped out of the franchise in order to make Kingsman: The Secret Service, but his plan for the film certainly makes for interesting reading.

“I had a whole different idea of how X-Men should go,” said Vaughn to MTV (opens in new tab). “I thought Days Of Future Past should be the next one and it’d be set in the ’80s. So, when I wrote the treatment, I then wrote Kingsman and got confused about which film I should direct next.”

“I said to Fox, ‘Let me do Kingsman now, get somebody else in and we’ll do the ’70s version, recast Wolverine, and then we do Days Of Future Past with the new Wolverine and Hugh [Jackman], and make it the biggest spectacle we’ve ever seen.”

“That was my idea but Fox, quite rightly so, I mean, you know, they’ve got a bottom line to look after and went, ‘no, we’re doing it.’ And Bryan [Singer], it’s Bryan’s franchise. I think he proved it’s his by knocking it out of the park.”

Jackman doesn’t seem to be going anywhere just yet, with appearances in X-Men: Apocalypse and a new Wolverine film already confirmed, but inevitably there will come a point when the baton needs to be passed. Feel free to share your suggestions in the comments, below…

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